Sunday, August 31, 2008

A most delightful weekend

It has been a delightful weekend. Friday night, we actually cooked a couple of strip steaks on the grill. Things went so well that we did ribeyes with grilled corn and asparagus last night. Our fab friends at Art of the Table recommended a great wine, 2006 Eason Amador County Zinfandel to go with our beef. The only problem with the wine we buy there is that it is SO GOOD that we end up talking about the wine and everything else falls away. Mike can always get us to try something different and we are always, always thrilled.

Tonight is more adventures in cooking, in our getting there kitchen. With our convection oven came a cookbook. We are going to try two of the recipes - lemon porkchops and chicken enchiladas. (Separate meals). Our friend Jennifer has talked hers up so we are anxious to try it.

The kitchen is starting to come together. The cabinets are amazing. Next week starts the tile.

We hit another milestone this week with the start of college football. This starts great rejoicing in our home, and our friend Lisa, who loves this time of year.... except her beloved spouse and his choice of college football teams. With football comes fall, cool temperatures and the best of what Michigan has to offer. Soon enough! :)


Big Johnny said...

Not a very good weekend for Michigan college football, huh ???


Lisa said...

Geez...if this keeps up, I might have to change my allegiance.

Go Green!!


Ebonie said...

It's only just begun. Go Blue!!