Sunday, March 08, 2009

Spring forward

I have resigned myself to the fact that we are nearing spring. This is a sad part of the year for me. I love the end of summer, easing into fall with the promise of colorful leaves, big skies, pouring rain on lugubrious days and lots of snow. I love Thanksgiving and Christmas, New Year's Eve and Day. But that is behind us now. We are springing ahead, moving into spring with the time change, and rain that turns our backyard into a quagmire. Of course, this does nothing to stop the Handsome One but it does bring enhanced meaning to 'running amuck.' The muck part of the word gets traipsed into the house. Bring on the cleaning.

Our good friends, Henry and Jan, said goodbye to their cat of 12 1/2 years Simba. It was a sad day in the DeVries home but Simba was suffering and in their good hearts they could not let that happen. Good bye is never easy, even when you know it's coming.

The weekend flew by with an absolutely fantastic dinner on Saturday night. We had friends, John and Julia, over for dinner. Julia is an incredible photographer and great blogger (here) and John and I work together at the Kingdom. They have some of the best stories about travels and people and it was just a blast hearing their tales. Both are into genealogy and have neat family trees - more interesting than my family coming from Morpeth and London. ;) Paul made my favorite, tenderloin deluxe. We had great wine, fun conversation and Julia and I enjoyed some (adapted) Irish Coffee to end the night.

Samson is ready for spring. The chipmunks, bunnies and squirrels are flitting around the yard in abundance. He sits by the window - watching, listening, scanning, waiting - until one of us will let him out in the yard to hunt. He is an adept and clever hunter but he hasn't figured out that if he would just quit barking so loudly that he might have a better chance. His howling at the back slider gives him away every time.

So this one's in the books. Tomorrow, we are back at it but we have some fun excitement - it's the premiere of Dancing with the Stars. And Tuesday we have the top 13 on American Idol. LOVE these shows. Have a good one all.


Lisa said...

Thank goodness you're back. I was starting to worry.

Add this to the list of things letting you know it's spring: our wintering geese seem to have all disappeared. Almost overnight. They heard the call of the north and took flight. Happy spring and summer to them. We'll see them back here next October.


Jewels said...

The start of spring is a bummer around here, but May gets pretty good with the tulips and all.

I was thinking later how the thought was in my head to find out where you came from and it didn't come out. Is it London England? oh maybe you did say Canada. Well next time we must hear about this! It was such a fun, fun time.

Jewels said...

BTW, I love the shots in this post. Very nice.

Deirdre Honner said...

Lisa, I need about 5 more hours a day. I can't quite give up sleep ...yet.

Julia, yeah, Canada. Farmers. Not exciting like you (DAR) and John who might inherit an international company in NL or even Paul from county Mayo, Lord help us. ;)

Sigh. Time for work!