Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Over the hump

I love Wednesday nights.  The weekend is in sight and we are on the down slide.  I have a recovering husband and a very tired dog.  Samson spent his day with his 4 legged friends @Whiskers, had a lot of fun and a nice coif.   Grooming always help with the shedding.  
We have been watching the Olympics in our house.  One of the most exciting nights of hockey that I have ever seen was Monday night between Canada and US.  The game was incredible, so exciting in fact there were times when I had to remember to breathe.   Equally as exciting was following the Twitter stream.  You don't need a Twitter account to follow what I am writing here.  Just go to Twitter and in the Search box, type #hockey.  The character before the word hockey is called a hashtag and will pull into a stream all the references to the word.  You will see references in English, French, Russian and languages I don't even recognize.  It is also a testimony to the universal appeal of hockey.  Yeah, these are pros playing right now but even if there weren't pro players, people would still be crazy about the games, the players and the pairings.  So visit Twitter and search  #Olympics  #hockey #USA.  In that order.  

Enjoy the rest of the week.  


Jewels said...

Does it make you want to be out on the ice?

Big Johnny said...

I know it's not realistic, but I wish we could go back to the days when the players were " amateurs"...the college guys, etc. ( Same with basketball, too)

Deirdre Honner said...

Julia, yes, wish I could have played hockey more seriously. :(

Johnny, I think you may get your wish. That's the way they are talking.