Saturday, November 24, 2012

A litte holiday post ex

We had a wonderful few days off.  It's been a quiet, relaxing, and reflective weekend.  It's wonderful to watch the sun rise, the waves pound, and yes, even the snow fly. 

We never do the traditional stuff on Thanksgiving.  For us, the traditional is the non-traditional food.  Paul made a magnificent beef tenderloin complete with shallots in a mustard and red wine reduction. 

And there was wine.  And a few pictures. I only have pictures of the beef before it's cooked.  By the time it's done, who cares about pictures?

From 2012-11-23

I do contribute.  I made the tossed greens.  It's complicated.  But I am always up for a challenge.
From 2012-11-23

From Thanksgiving 2012

From 2012-11-23

So it's almost time to go.  Time to pack up the leftovers, the clothes, the camera gear, and recyclables and head back to real life.  This little slice of heaven is never very far from my mind. 

Cheers to the rest of the weekend.  

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