Samson, Paul and I had a wonderful training night on Wednesday. He is doing exceptionally well. In a class with an australian shepherd, great Dane, some small ankle biter and our friends Coke (and Kenya sometimes, who just watches because she is so advanced), he is getting used to being in the room with other dogs of similar size. He is very interested in the australian shepherd, who is just this mellow cruiser. The great Dane is ENORMOUS. Jeez, I would really not want to have to pick up after him. I would need a shovel. Samson did well on the "come" command, while distracted by other dogs, walked beautifully around cones with Paul but didn't do so well when we left him alone. This will be the big job and may be what prevents him from passing the "Good Canine Certification." I believe that in his little heart, he is convinced that we will spontaneously combust if we leave him. Oddity is that he does just fine in the crate. We have a lot of work to do. Ah, he is such a good dog.
We have a special treat on Friday night. Our friends at HWC Homeworks are treating us to a very special dinner. What an incredible thing to do. First they have done an amazing job on our bathrooms and are all round good people. But Paul did some work with them on automating some of their communication tools. Dave wanted to thank Paul for all his work on their behalf. Well, tomorrow sometime, a very large box with a Lobster Gram will come that includes the following:

- Two live Maine lobsters, ocean-fresh
- Two 4 oz. Premium Lobster Cakes
- 20 oz. Lobster Bisque
- 12 oz. Lobster Ravioli in Lobster Alfredo Sauce
- A 20 oz. Chocolate Heart Cake
- Fresh whole lemon and butter
- Two Shell Crackers and Seafood Forks
- Two Lobster Gram Bibs and Moist Towelettes
- Lobster Gram Cooking Manual
I think I just salivated on my keyboard. Hang on...I need to get a towel.
Don't forget your Zocor....lobster is 100% cholesterol
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