Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I take a lot of pictures.  I am an early riser because I have a dog who thinks that 5:18 is a perfectly reasonable time to get up and start the day.  Of course, he naps all day while I work but somehow that logic is lost on him.  When he puts his cold, wet snout in my face and nudges me, like come on, it's time to get up and feed me, I usually respond like this.  Samson, go back to bed.  And he just stands there.  Like this morning.

So reinforcing behavior, I get up and feed him.  Why?  Because we NEVER feed him, the poor dog is starving to death and this might be the very last meal that he EVER gets.  And I get up too because I get to see this:

From 2011-07-13

The horizon is amazing.
From 2011-07-13

From 2011-07-13

From 2011-07-13

Good morning sunshine!
From 2011-07-13

From 2011-07-13

From 2011-07-13

And now I am going to take a nap!


Anonymous said...

The dog days of summer start early in the morning. Besides your dog likes a nice sunrise too.

Deirdre Honner said...

You are right. Samson has exquisite and discriminating taste in sunrises, art and goose poop. :)