Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve!

Oh happy eve! Not only are we celebrating our anniversary, we are under a "winter storm watch" with the potential of 3-4 inches of snow in our area! WOO HOO!

We had a busy day. We helped friends install a brand new computer with the most beautiful monitor that I have ever seen. It's zooming along and with high speed, they will have a blast cruising around cyberspace.

We did some shopping along with the care and feeding of some friends' dogs. And never ignoring our own handsome boy, Samson got a wonderful play in the yard with frisbee and a glorious walk around the block. Right now, he is enjoying a fabulous bone, right from the butcher. Paul froze it and now Samson will take at least an hour to devour. At least we can hope. ;)

For our anniversary dinner, Paul is making one of my VERY favorite recipes, Tenderloin deluxe. Along with broccoli (we love it), some long grain rice and a good salad, we have fabulous wine too. And for dessert, Paul is making us Irish Coffee that we can enjoy after our hot tub soak. We may or not make it until midnight but the evening itself is a fabulous celebration. Here's a toast to a wonderful year and all things possible!

Happy 2008!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Dinner sounded fabulous. At what point were the Irish Coffees brewed and served? Before hot tubbing? After? During???

Enjoy the snow. And, on that note, I was reading this this morning and thought of you:

Happy New Year from all of us.

Lisa, Gary and Katie