Friday, November 30, 2007

It's Friday!

It's been a wonderful week off. Paul and I have spent the week putzing around, cooking, cleaning and fighting with Comcast. Someone from Corporate Comcast called Paul and our HD box is being delivered this AM. So we should have high def for the weekend. It has been a struggle. We are NOT the only people having problems with Comcast.

The week off has let me get to know our new dog, his funny foibles and his apprehensions. Samson was introduced to snow for the first time today. We had about 2 inches accumulate and when we went out for our walk, he was startled by the snow and then promptly ate large bites of the fluffy stuff. When we went out to shovel, Samson was bounding and leaping in the air, rolling around and trying to bite his silly tail. This is HIS weather. And ours too. :)

It's starting to look a little bit like Christmas. Samson is resting comfortably, after his romp. I should have some pictures later today.


Lisa said...

I dare say that handsome lad is sporting a Red Wings collar. Go Wings!


Big Johnny said...

<< I dare say that handsome lad is sporting a Red Wings collar. Go Wings! >>

GAAACK...the Yankees of hockey....