It's my birthday. The older we get, the more we seem to enjoy our birthdays, perhaps out of pragmatic thinking that we are just fortunate to see another one. :) I used to have pin that I am certain that I lost in some long ago move, that said "it's my Birthday and I can do whatever I want!" I thought that was a bold and delightful comment. It is, and I can.
I am up early. It's my favorite time of the day. Samson and I got up and went for a short walk. I have the fireplace on in the front room and Samson is at my feet enjoying a post-breakfast bone. It's snowing outside and it is magnificently peaceful. [Until the snow plow drives by but then it's peaceful again :) ]

Dinner last night was something else. I know that I don't even need to write how good lobster is but I will. There were several stages to the lobsterfest but a couple of funniest moments came with Samson and the lobsters. The lobsters are shipped alive (.
.and yes I feel horrible about personally putting them to death in the boiling pot...don't ask) and by the time we got ready to cook, they were moving around. Well, I think Samson was thinking, "hey present or new friend for me" sniffing all around, trying to see over the box. I didn't catch it on the camera, but the lobster moved, and it was funny to see him jump a little. Hehe...We enjoyed an incredible dinner and have tons of leftovers. We couldn't even start on the lobster bisque, ravioli or lobster cakes. We have lobster for days. We have so much lobster left over from dinner, that I will have to force myself and have lobster in my scrambled eggs. (And yes we know the Seinfeld episode...) :)
Today is a busy day. We have some work to do in the bathroom. That's the royal 'we' - Paul will apply a couple coats to Kilz to the walls, prepping them for painting and hopes to get the ceiling painted. We have a great color for the walls and I think that Paul will try and get that done on Sunday. It's such a little room that it shouldn't take too long to paint. When it's done, it will be fabulous.
And one last picture. Our good friend, MB, gave us the most incredible gift when we lost our girl, Allie. She asked us for our favorite picture of Allie and she gave it to an artist for our choice rendering. We chose ink and MB gave us the picture over Christmas. Paul picked up the framed picture last night. There isn't a day that goes by when we don't think of our girl. She is our toast at every meal. She now is a beautiful place, overlooking her yard. Isn't she lovely?

One last important note, Samson DOES like lobster. :) Enjoy your weekend!
Happy Birthday, Pumpkin !!!
Lobster for days...I hate you...
That Allie picture is pure class !!
Happy Birthday, Dee! You're right. Having another birthday is sooooo much better than the alternative.
The lobsters looked scrumptious. Cholesterol be damned. (Can I say that?)
Happy Birthday!! Sounds like it was wonderful.
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