Wednesday, July 02, 2008


And since it's a short week, it's the Thursday (but really is Friday for the working stiffs) Happy Dance. I could do a sort of Thursday (but really is Friday for the working stiffs) Happy Gimp. I can move around at an impressive-with-a-pin-in-my-foot gate in my very fashionable black and Velcro Foot Boot. The drawback of the Foot Boot is that it is unbelievably hot. I mean like skin is sweating off hot. Not quite as hot as Lisa at the Hacienda, but pretty dumb hot. Scratchy, itchy hot. Bummer but necessary for some mobility. Of course, it makes me rethink this whole timing thing but can't do a thing about it now. Nope, I have a Pin in my foot and there isn't a darn thing that I can do but wait it out. And I will wait it out.

I work in Human Resources and I am very diligent about making sure that my benefits colleagues have the proper paperwork for FLMA, the sick time that I am out of the office. Now, for the majority of the time that I have been off, I have been working but ssshhhh, don't tell anyone. So I had to ask my podiatrist's office to send in the paperwork telling Calvin that I would be off and could return on 7/7. Well, my doctor's office sent in paperwork that let work know that I would be off for six weeks with an additional 1-3 weeks. I spent the evening contemplating the prospect of having an entire six to nine weeks off, just me and my pin. What would I do with all that time? I could watch the Weather Channel; I could listen to Music on our Music channels on HD; I could play frisbee with Mr. Handsome. Yeah, I could just hang. So I contemplated such nerdness of hanging with the machines, my Weather Channel and Handsome Boy and well, decided to to back to work. Yeah, not sure what I was thinking.

We had stunning storms come through here. While I was working on my work writing projects, I enjoyed the shows provided by Mother Nature. They were magnificant. Sheeting, sheering, driving rain; loud and vivid thunder and lightening; and then woo hoo, hail. Small but hail nonetheless. And we enjoyed the small town feeling of the local news that centered around the storm - uprooted trees, flooded streets and downed power lines. *Giggle* I love living here.

Enjoying the movies . Lots of sun for the 4th of July. Enjoy your evening.


jan.dv said...

I LOVE YOUR MOVIES!! (I sent the link to Henry in CO.) This has been an awesome weather day. Do you read Bill Steffen's blog on WoodTV? He's as much of a weather nut as you are.

We've been following your foot progress, and praying for your recovery. So scary! Good you have Samson around to keep you company.

Henry said...

Right, like the HR Maven wasn't going to work during FMLA leave?? And you actually thought we would believe that you would just sit and play on those computers???

Sounds like you're having a great time--the movies are great. We had a nice little rain storm here in CO this afternoon -- big lightning and thunder bouncing between the mountains. Gotta love the weather!!

Take care,
Your favorite VP

Gary said...

How about sending some of that rain out to CA Dee! (You can keep the lightning though. We've had enough of that!) At least the weather is giving you something to do. :-D The videos ore great!

Glad to hear the stitches came out without difficulty or pain. Sounds like you are over the worst of it.

BTW, that pin doesn't look as bad as I imagined, but it does look very painful! (Good thing I wasn't eating dinner yet)

Lisa said...

Ahhhhh...I love the rain sound. It's so much more soothing than, say, a gritty, dirt-in-your-teeth dust storm.

Had to laugh about the local news going ga-ga over downed power lines. Out here in God's Brown Earth, six rain drops is a major weather happening. I'm not sure they could handle downed power lines. Oh, the humanity!!!

Do you have to wear the boot all the time, or can you take it off and let the pin breath? Either way, The Pin would not feel good here lately. It's been 4,000 degrees. Really. That's sooooo not an exaggeration. Really.


Deirdre Honner said...

Jan, true confessions, yes I read his blog. I feel like he, Henry and I are kindred weather spirits. I just need Samson to stop trying to lick the toe....

Henry, I would say that we miss you at work but I haven't been there. :) I am sure that you are having a fabulous time in CO. Is Jill there with her camera?

Gary, I would LOVE to give you some of our rain - I know you need it. And while it feels like the worst is over, I am just so impatient. I want the pin out NOW!

Lisa, I posted those babies for you! It was PITCH BLACK before the storms - the calm right before it - and then the torrential rains. It was fantastic.

Thanks for looking. Glad you enjoyed.

Big Johnny said...

Only a true weather nerd can appreciate that crappy weather.

Cheers from sunny and temperate San Diego.