Friday, March 05, 2010

Friday Happy Dance with Dessert

This has been a week for the books. We have been out every single night this week and we are ready for the weekend! We ended the run with friends Polly and Patrick last night.  They moved here from Milwaukee and are loving the GR way of life.
Polly is amazing.  While raising possible the cutest five year old on the planet, she is also a pastry chef.  If she does lessons, I am SO there.  The first thing she made was this tiered strawberry cake with cardamon.  She gave us the full description - which of course I have completely forgotten.   It was so good that I was scrapping the airy-light cream off the cake so I could taste each individual component of the masterpiece.  It was fantastic.  

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Then the bites of heavenly deliciousness - macaroons.  These were simply eggs whites with I suspect a *little* sugar and dipped (are you ready?)  in dark chocolate.  Polly let us take a few home.  She said that I could share them at work.  Yeah, right.  They aren't going anywhere!  :)

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Tomorrow, I have a full day of photography held by two local photographers.  I have been looking forward to this for months.  Enjoy the weekend!


Big Johnny said...

Be a dear and FedEx me some of those macaroons !!

Henry said...

They BETTER show up at work. It would be good for job security :-)

Deirdre Honner said...

I have a few left Henry, should you make your way over. :)