Sunday, July 31, 2011

New neighbor

It was a busy weekend.  We had plenty of beach time, ran a ton of errands, had dinner and drinks with friends and oh, there was this *little* canoe race in town.  More about that later.

We had a new neighbor move in, right next door.  He is so handsome;  he is tall, stoic, observant, rather quiet but has quite a presence.  People stop talking when he swings by.  Everyone stares.  No one moves.  No one can take their eyes off him.  Or their cameras.

From Eagle

From Eagle

Hopping to a new limb
From Eagle

From Eagle

Freakin' talons are unbelievable
From Eagle

From Eagle

From Eagle

Look at how aerodynamic those talons are, tucked in under his body/wings.
From Eagle

Utterly, totally, completely amazing. Leaves me breathless and in awe. This world is beautiful people, just stunningly beautiful.  And I am so grateful that such awe and beauty - this glorious eagle -is right next door.


Gary said...

Love your new neighbor! He's beautiful, and so are your pics!

Deirdre Honner said...

thanks Gary! We love him!