Sunday, September 11, 2011


I enjoyed my week at the lake. I enjoyed sunrises, beach time, wonderful meals, great friends, and an incredible book.
Something unique sailed by.  I had not seen kiteboarders pass by.  The wind was blowing pretty hard and this guy came speeding by, north to south, having a blast.

From Kiteboarder - EOTE

From Kiteboarder - EOTE

From Kiteboarder - EOTE

From Kiteboarder - EOTE
It was fun to watch a solo sailer from the comfort of my beach.  Maybe someday I will work up the nerve to try it myself.


Anant Maini said...

heyy deirdre, this is anant here, remember we spoke yesterday??..amazing pics u've got out here, i cannot officially say that, not supposed to have any contacts with customers :-), it was really nice talking tyu yesterday, just chekd in to say it was gud, u have a greatt lie ahead..take care

Anonymous said...

hey dierdre, this is anant here, remember we spoke yesterday?? really not supposed to do this officially i guess, not supposed to contact cust by anyways..but i donno.. just chekd in to say it was nice talking tyu, u were the last 1 i spoke to after a terribly long day n i went home happy..:-), n not to mention u've got really amazing pics out here which i already told u have a greatt life ahead, take care..