Friday, October 21, 2011

Gone to the dogs

I have had a nasty week - awful cold, cough, and headaches prevailed.  So very, very glad it's the weekend.   We have the Red Wings, a visit to our fave place Art of the Table, and friends over Saturday night.  Paul is making tenderloin deluxe.  It will be magnificent.

I love writing about my @thedogsamson.  He is our second furry love;  our first love, Allister, was a pretty spoiled little princess.  I wish I had been more of a photo addict when she was with us. She was a beautiful, wonderful German shepherd.

I also have realized, over time, how much I love taking pictures of dogs.

Sweet, very old Jake.

Deb's pups
Dogs life

Freinds' collie

GSD at the dog park

Friends' Great Dane

A Friend
a pose
Mr. Handsome

Her Highness
From Allie at the beach in May

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