I am feeling better than yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow, I will feel better than today. Thursday, I had a headache that just wouldn't quit, Friday I had the headache, plus some chills and fever and slept on and off the entire day. I got up to check email, have some soup for lunch and a periodic visit to our new and improved bathrooms. But mostly I slept. Even with 800 mg of Motrin, the headache was still awful but this morning, it's less and just a dull ache. I am determined NOT to spiral into the 'flu.' Hopefully I can stay well.

Samson spent most of the day with me. He was a little perplexed that I was in bed, sleeping most of the day. He would come and check on me, sometimes sleeping with me on the bed, sometimes snorting and sleeping in his crate. I think mostly, he wondered why we weren't outside playing. Some things are just not explainable.
It is supposed to be a nice weekend. Sun, warmer temps and no snow. :) We are finally going to pick up my birthday gift - a tripod for my camera. And I will 'chillax the weekend, reading if my head allows. Putzing if it doesn't.
Sounds like Sven needs to whip up a steamy pot of homemade chicken soup. Send him out to D&W for a whole chicken and some carrots and celery and some nice, broad egg noodles. Nothing like homemade broth to get you back on your feet.
What kind of camera are you using? I'm looking to upgrade but don't know which way to go.
Have a great weekend.
Sounds like you may have a small touch of flu.....better than a BIG touch of flu.
Dee, Glad to hear you are feeling better. You'll be glad to know that I've spent the day stripping wallpaper in the upstairs bathroom--the project has started. I'm sure Jan will start posting pictures.
thanks Henry. I can't wait to see the pictures!
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