In between Motrin and naps, I did accomplish some things today, with the help (and driving skills) of Paul. I am the recipient of a lot of good-natured ribbing; since Paul retired, I do very little driving. My friends and colleagues worry when I drive, my husband tells me that I have become a 'little old lady' in my driving habits and frankly, if I never drive again, I would be ok with that. I love driving but when it's short stints, I am happy to let Paul drive. And that's what he did today. This weekend denotes the end of my birthday reign. January is a rather terrible month in which to have a birthday. By the time my day rolls around, our Christmas bills are staring us in the face and shopping for a birthday gift is a very low priority. But it was time to get my tripod!
We headed out this morning and did some shopping at Sam's Club. We got gas, picked up

edibles for the weekend and the week and then stopped at Norman's on the way home. Norman's Camera is a local place with great cameras, accessories and lenses. A candy store for camera fanatics. WOW. I checked out the tripods and with the help of a very knowledgeable staff member, settled on a mid-grade Manfrotto tripod and Manfrotto head with pan and tilt. I liked this combination best. It is very flexible, lightweight but will last a long time.

We all took a walk before lunch. Mr. Snowmoleious had a glorious time rolling, pawing, chewing, digging and enjoying the snow. He ate gross and dirty snow, sniffed and hunted for bunnies and gave himself a good cleaning in the snow. I love walking with a dog; I see the world through a completely different set of eyes.

For dinner, Paul is making Prime Rib. Doesn't that sound delicious? It is in and cooking as I type. We are having whole grain cous cous, green beans (LOVE) and a healthy salad. Wine will be a surprise. :)
1 comment:
Very nice tripod!! Isn't Norman Camera great??
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