I am sorry that I have been absent and feel compelled to explain where I have been. No Tech Tuesdays. No amazing pictures of the Handsome One. No cool, fun, neat and exciting adventures in East Grand Rapids. I am sorry. I miss writing. And I miss you all.
You know that espouse the wonders of Twitter. I love Twitter. And the most amazing thing happened along the way to school one day...I met the most remarkable people. On line. Who you ask? @stelzner @employerbrander and @chris_bailey. Incredible people who see the need and feel the need to help. And we are working, day and night on @jobangels. The premise is simple. We try and help someone find a job, one person at a time. We have a Twitter account. We have a LinkedIn account. We have a Facebook account. And pretty darn soon, we will have the most amazing website at www.jobangels.org.
I come home, have time with the Handsome One, Paul who makes dinner and takes care of all the chores and I sit down to work. This isn't a job, it's a calling - a command - a direction. I have to help. I promise that once I get this up and going, we will be back at fun and games soon. Once we have helped all the people who need a job. That's no small order, no small feat. So help us, won't you? Email me if you can help or if you just want to know more.
Until then, enjoy the picture of Mr. Samson, lounging in front of his fireplace. Happy weekend, all!
May I tell you something?
You are an awesome woman!
I am a TIRED woman. :) But thanks.
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