Last night, we had our Davey Jones dinner. Paul made lobster tails, crab legs, a little bit of beef for himself and toasted pine nut cous cous. Ann Marie made the salad and a homemade salad dressing that I must post at the cafe. Our friends at Art of the Table recommended a fantastic wine for the meal, Forman Napa Valley Chardonnay. Head over to the Cafe for a full recap. There are plenty of leftovers and it looks like our scrambled eggs will enjoy a little crab meat and lobster this AM. (Woo hoo).
Samson has enjoyed his weekend as well. We discovered that he enjoys a little crabmeat and is always happy with a few leftovers. Today involves a lot of writing, some errands and some relaxing. Enjoy your day!
Ah ha! Now I get it. I just commented on The Cafe asking for the origins of the Davy Jones Dinner. Little did I know, I need only click on your helpful link. :-)
Sounded yummy. I bet there was melted butter. Ummmm...
You forgot to say what book you listened in on the discussion of :)
Oh, maybe you said it before?
No I didn't say it - it was the Story of Edgar Sawtelle. I know that I should read it but it was SO long. I don't know how people find the time.
Lisa, there was butter and there is more butter tonight. Leftovers baby and it is looking GOOD.
You're gonna be in a food coma when you come to work tomorrow morning. :-)
But. I should talk, I'm going on a cruise next--that's a nonstop food coma and lots of frozen tasties.
Henry, it's slow going this AM for sure. Good thing we sent some of the food back to the dorms with our friend, AMG. We should compare menus when you get back from the cruise! :)
Crab and lobster.....make sure Pauly takes his Zocor !!!
It also has a boring sounding name...I would rather look at pictures. Now I sound really dumb, but I actually do read a lot.
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