Saturday, February 04, 2012


This is sort of a PSA blog post.  If you don't know this stuff, you need it.

It's been way too long since writing.  I had a wonderful birthday celebration that lasted a week and a few.  And then I went traveling. Not your literal get-on-plane, hop-on-a-bus, drive-in-a-car travels;  rather I took figurative trips and traveled in books. To Scotland.  To Iceland.  Back in time, way back before cars and the internet.

I read several fantastic books the last week, courtesy of the Kent District Library. The Kent District Library has an excellent e-reader feature that allows me to download books to my Kindle or iPad.

Did I mention the price? FREE. They have a cool feature too where you submit a form of your favorite books, and they email back 10 recommendations for you.  I got them back and four of the recommendations look perfect.

The best part is that two of the books from last week are brand new releases and are currently $12.99 on Amazon.  Score one for saving money.

What did I read?

An Available Man 3 stars
The Flight of Gemmy Hardy  4 stars
Outlander  4 stars

When the sun returns, I will get some pictures on the blog.  Until then, happy reading.

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