Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Weather or not.

I am going to take a moment, just a brief one, to write a curious intro.

It's February 8, 2012.  In Michigan.  It's winter here.  Well, it's supposed to be winter.  I always equate winter with cold things ... things like ice, snow, freezing temperatures, down jackets, heavy mittens, UGG boots.

I am beating cheated out of my winter.  We have had no snow on the ground, save a brief moment last month when our plow service came.  Like once.




There has been some talk about snow on Friday.  Will believe it when I see it.

Happy winter, holding out for Spring.


One Blonde Brain Cell said...

It is a little strange not to have snow here in Chicago.

Deirdre Honner said...

Isn't it? Sort of creepy.