Sunday, August 05, 2012

One week

It's surprising how slowly and quickly a week can go.   A few highlights.

The eagle.  Well, not the SAME eagle but a couple of visits that made this week just a treasure. On Saturday, this eagle flew up and down the beach a few times.  Here he was turning around in the tree.

From Eagle 3
From Eagle 3
we had beautiful sunrises
From 2012-08-03

and epic beach days where six hours under the umbrella with the Kindle felt like 45 minutes ...
From 2012-08-04

we had fun with friends
From Oscoda Summer 2012

some of our own fun
From 2012-08-04

good food
From Salmon
From 2012-08-04

great wine
From 2012-08-04

and another beautiful moon.
From Sturgeon Moon

It just doesn't get much better than this.  Cheers from East of the Equator! 


Karen said...

Gorgeous photos.

Deirdre Honner said...

thanks. :)