Thursday, August 02, 2012

Conflict and resolution

It gets a little crazy on the beach.  We have lots of dogs, lots of people, lots of traffic, and well, lots of time to play. Samson loves to play. He will share his beach, his deck, and his water. But ... Samson is VERY protective of his toys.

In this exchange, Bella approaches slowly.
From 2012-07-28

Samson, not to be fooled, makes a move. Don't even think about taking my ball, he says.
From 2012-07-28

Bella walks up, Samson eyeing her warily.
From 2012-07-28

Then they eat grass.
From 2012-07-28

It's how conflict get resolved on the beach.
From 2012-07-28

We should take a lesson from this.  Cheers from the beach!


Doggie Valentino and Kubrick 9 said...

Wonderful pics!

Deirdre Honner said...

thanks so much! Glad you could stop by.